Improve Progression Rates of Women

We offer inspirational talks, practical workshops and executive development to help you find out why women aren't progressing at the same rate as men, and what you need to change in your leadership, culture, promotion and reward processes to ensure women do advance.

Are women not interested in senior roles?

Are you wondering why women in your organisation aren’t stepping up? Do you have the impression women just aren’t interested in more responsibility? The 2 min video below shows what you can do to encourage the female talent in your organisation to thrive.

Inspiring Talks, Interactive Workshops & Training

Talk: Inclusive Teams

This motivational talk is designed to help mixed gender teams understand their strengths and weaknesses, work effectively with each other and create inclusive teams.

Inge Woudstra of W2O Consulting and Training, Talks on Gender Diversity

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Workshop: Gender Inclusive Succession and Promotion

Ideal if your organisation has a problem with gender balance at senior levels of management and leadership.

Inge Woudstra of W2O Consulting and Training - gender smart leadership

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Training: Gender Smart Leadership

Motivate, engage, advance and retain women and men in high performing teams. We help leaders build an work environment that works for both men and women.

Inge Woudstra W2O Diversity & Inclusion Training

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Practical Workshops

Debias talent management, learning and development

Debias pay & reward


Impactful Training

From Unconscious Bias to Action

Gender Smart Meetings

Be Gender Smart -The Key to Career Success for Women

Case Studies

Case Study: Gender Inclusive Leadership Training – Health Industry

Inge Woudstra trainer

Issue: Women aren’t moving up at the same rate as men. However, at the bottom of the organisation we have 80% women.

Question: How can we motivate women to move up?

What we did: a 1/2 day Gender Smart leadership course for men and women

Result: Leaders are aware of gender differences, and how best to leverage diverse talent in their team,and encourage them to move up. A  new approach and language to engage with those of the opposite gender in the team, which is already leading to new conversations and increased team engagement.

Case Study: Women’s Leadership – Private Investment Bank

Women Leadership Programme

Issue: Women aren’t stepping up into top leadership roles.

Question: Can you deliver part of our women’s leadership programme, with a focus on allowing women to be their authentic selves in senior positions, so we can harness diversity? Can you also help them take on the role of sponsors or mentors of younger women?

What we did: 1/2 day programme Gender Smart Women.

Result: Top women are aware to what extent they do bring new insights and working styles into the top of the company. They know how to speak up about it, and are aware of ways they can help other women.


Video: How to tackle hidden obstacles that hold women back

Video: Inge Woudstra on Gender Difference and Gender Diversity


It has made me seriously think about how I deal with male and female staff, and given me a better insight as to why some things have not worked as well as they could have in the past. Now I feel I have new tools to tackle those situations with.

Carl Rowbottom

Radiotherapy Physics, Group Leader, NHS

Inge put in considerable effort to the event and delivered a thoroughly professional, thought provocative and stimulating session. The workshop was repeated twice during the afternoon and both slots overran due to numerous questions and interesting debate generated by the participants. I would thoroughly recommend Inge as a speaker or facilitator at any workshop related to gender and diversity.

Nina Wilson

Director Client Service, Avaya

I would like to thank you very much for the benefit of the course you gave us. I benefit from your course a lot. I notice the difference. I speak up more for my ideas, and say more often what I think. I am happy you told us about the gender differences, which I can notice at work. I am proud of myself.

Senior Executive in Accounting, Sohar Aluminium, Oman

Career Success for Women, Women Leadership Programmes, Speaker for Women, Gender Diversity, Gender Diffference,
This book so resonates with me’ – Helena Morrissey
‘Thought Leadership on Gender Balance’ – Vanessa Vallely
‘… engaging and readable..’ – Ben Black